I typed into an internet search engine "quotes about comparing two things". Damn, that's going to be a problem, apparently. Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” So, looking like I am going to steal your joy.
I am looking and showing you the examples of how Wargame Atlantic's Great War Stuff compares to the amazing work of our fantastic sculptor Juhász Gergely. I have forced Juhász Gergely to make some incredible products, and I am very, very lucky to work with Juhász Gergely.
So, let's look at some lovely miniatures. Some will be Juhász Gergely's beautiful sculpts for Trench Offensive. Some will be Wargame Atlantic.
I will do more in the future, if you all want it. I am working on a Russian Civil War supplement and Verdun Campaign should release at Salute!